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:: Volume 7, Issue 2 (Fall and Winter 2023) ::
FOP 2023, 7(2): 185-198 Back to browse issues page
Identifying the barriers and challenges of flower and ornamental plants industry development in Alborz province
Javad Ghasemi * , Seyed Davood Hajimirrahimi
Institute of Agricultural Education and Extension, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1692 Views)
The flower and ornamental plants industry, play an important role in the agricultural economy of Iran and many countries of the world; nevertheless, this industry is facing many barriers and challenges. Alborz province has an appropriate capacity for the development of flower and ornamental plants industry; accordingly, the main purpose of this descriptive - survey research was to identify the barriers and challenges of flower and ornamental plants industry development in Alborz province. The statistical population of study consisted of flower and ornamental plants growers in Alborz province (N=1260), out of whom 135 people determined as sample using Cochran's sampling formula and simple sampling technique. A questionnaire was the main tool of study. Validity of the questionnaire was approved by a panel of experts and construct validity using AVE Index. In order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability (CR) were calculated. The data were analyzed by SPSS22 and Smart PLS software. Prioritizing of barriers and challenges showed that, “high price of the product” and “policy making, planning and supportive” were in the highest ranks and “human resources” and “research, education and extension” were in the lowest ranks. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that, barriers and challenges’ measurement model consist of 10 main elements: “high price of the product”, “infrastructure / technology”, “production quality”, “financial”, “human resources”, “research, education and extension”, “marketing and sales”, “consumers”, “export” and “policy making, planning and supportive” was homogeneous and the reliability of the indicators was approved. Accordingly, it is recommended to identifying and solving barriers and challenges through a comprehensive and holistic approach.
Keywords: Alborz province, Barriers, Challenges, Flower and ornamental plants, Planning and policy making
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/09/24 | Accepted: 2022/10/21 | Published: 2023/04/24
1. رفرنس های متنی مثل خروجی کراس رف را در اینجا وارد کرده و تایید کنید -------------Amiri, A., Lavaei Adriani, R., Fatollahi, S., Bahri, G., Kalantari, K. (2015). Analysis of production constrains of flowers and ornamental plants in viewpoint of floriculturist in Mahalat County. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 46(2), 319-325 (In Persian).
2. Azadi, P. (2022). Breeding of ornamental plants, achievements and knowledge-based entrepreneurship opportunities. 5th National and International Congress on Flower and Ornamental Plants, Shiraz University, Shiraz (In Persian).
3. Bagheri, H., Saki, S. (2017). Requirements and guidelines for the preservation of genetic resources of ornamental plants in Iran. Flowers and Ornamental Plants, 1(2), 24-33 (In Persian).
4. Çelik, Y., Arisoy, H. (2013). Competitive analysis of outdoor ornamental plants sector: a case study of Konya province, Turkey. Journal of Horticultural Research, 21(2), 5-16. [DOI:10.2478/johr-2013-0016]
5. Chowdhury, R.A., Khan, F. (2015). Cut flower export from Bangladesh: Prospects, challenges, and proposition, Manarat International University Studies, 5(1), 11-21.
6. Darras, A. (2021). Overview of the dynamic role of specialty cut flowers in the international cut flower market. Horticulturae, 7, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7030051 [DOI:10.3390/horticulturae7030051.]
7. Darvishi, H., Pazoki, M., Sadeghi, H., Beyranvandzadeh, M. (2014). Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of greenhouse culture in entrepreneurship development and job creation in rural areas (Case Study: Villages of Pakdasht County). Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 3(7), 101-114 (In Persian).
8. Ebadzadeh, H.R., Ahmadi, K., Mohamadnia Afrozi, S., Abas Taghani, R., Hoseinpour, R., Yari, S., Kalantari, M. (2021). Agricultural Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad, Planning and Economic Affairs, Information and Communication Center (In Persian).
9. Ekhuemelo, C., Ekhuemelo, D.O., Amonum, J.I. (2016). Impact of floriculture and landscaping on sustainable environmental management. Nigerian Journal of Education, Health and Technology Research (NJEHETR), 8, 75-81.
10. Ghule, T., Menon, S. (2013). Scope and future of floriculture industry in India. Global Research Analysis, 2(2), 28-29.
11. Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M., Sarstedt, M. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Sage. Thousand Oaks, CA. [DOI:10.15358/9783800653614]
12. Havardi-Burger, N., Mempel, H., Bitsch, V. (2020). Sustainability challenges and innovations in the value chain of flowering potted plants for the German market. Sustainability, 12, 1-26. [DOI:10.3390/su12051905]
13. Heidarzadeh, M., Mokhber Dezfoli, A. (2016). Factor analysis of the key factors of starting a flower and ornamental plant business (case study: Greenhouse owners of Alborz province). The 6th National Congress of Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension and Education, Shiraz University, Shiraz (In Persian).
14. Isazadeh, S. (2019). SWOT analysis of market of flowers and ornamental plants (Case Study: Urmieh County), The 4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, Miad University, Tabriz (In Persian).
15. Khosh-Khui, M., Salehi, H., Azizi, M., Mobli, M., Vahdati, K., Grigorian, V., Tafazoli, E., Haghighi, M. (2021). Current status of horticultural crop production in Iran: A documentary study. Strategic Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 6(1), 69-84 (In Persian).
16. Kline, R.B. (2015). Principles and Practices of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford. 4nd edition.
17. Koley, T., Verma, A., Chawla, W. (2014). Role of floriculture in sustainable development of socio-economic status of Indian farmer. International Conference on Crop Productivity and Sustainability- Shaping the Future, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab.
18. Martsynovska, O. (2011). Global floriculture industry value chain, position of the Ukrainian firms in the floriculture business. Master Thesis, Lund University.
19. Masoumi, F., Jafarkhani Kermani., Dabir Ashrafi, O. (2014). Trade of flowers and ornamental plants in global markets. The First National Congress of Flowers and Ornamental Plants of Iran, Karaj (In Persian).
20. Pastory, S.T., Francis, H.S., Temu, G.S. (2020). Burgeoning of commercial ornamental plant nurseries in Dar es Salaam City: Challenge and future prosperity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 20(1), 16-25. [DOI:10.34257/GJHSSBVOL20IS1PG17]
21. Satyavathi, V.V.V. (2020). Performance of floriculture in India. International Journal of Academic Research, 7(1), 40-46.
22. Singh, P., Shree, S., Bhardwaj, A. (2020). Sustainable Agriculture, 1st Edition. Apple Academic Press.
23. Sori, S., Sadighi, H., Pezeshkirad, G. (2013). Analyzing the barriers and challenges of flower and ornamental plants development in order to job creation in the agricultural sector, using Delphi technique. The First National Electronic Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tehran (In Persian).
24. Spier, J., Silva, V.N., Leite, J.G. (2020). Ornamental plants in Chapecó: market characteristics and opportunities for family farms. Ornamental Horticulture, 26(3), 346-355. [DOI:10.1590/2447-536x.v26i3.2152]
25. Sri, S., Rianse, U., Yusria, W. (2021). Strategy For development of orchid ornamental plant (Case Study of UPTD BBIH, Amoito Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency). Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 6(4), 130-134. [DOI:10.37149/jia.v6i4.16034]
26. Tizazu, T.Y., Workie, M.A. (2018). Social, economical and environmental issues of floriculture sector development in Ethiopia. Review of Plant Studies, 5(1), 1-10. [DOI:10.18488/journal.69.2018.51.1.10]
27. Amiri, A., Lavaei Adriani, R., Fatollahi, S., Bahri, G., Kalantari, K. (2015). Analysis of production constrains of flowers and ornamental plants in viewpoint of floriculturist in Mahalat County. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 46(2), 319-325 (In Persian).
28. Azadi, P. (2022). Breeding of ornamental plants, achievements and knowledge-based entrepreneurship opportunities. 5th National and International Congress on Flower and Ornamental Plants, Shiraz University, Shiraz (In Persian).
29. Bagheri, H., Saki, S. (2017). Requirements and guidelines for the preservation of genetic resources of ornamental plants in Iran. Flowers and Ornamental Plants, 1(2), 24-33 (In Persian).
30. Çelik, Y., Arisoy, H. (2013). Competitive analysis of outdoor ornamental plants sector: a case study of Konya province, Turkey. Journal of Horticultural Research, 21(2), 5-16. [DOI:10.2478/johr-2013-0016]
31. Chowdhury, R.A., Khan, F. (2015). Cut flower export from Bangladesh: Prospects, challenges, and proposition, Manarat International University Studies, 5(1), 11-21.
32. Darras, A. (2021). Overview of the dynamic role of specialty cut flowers in the international cut flower market. Horticulturae, 7, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7030051 [DOI:10.3390/horticulturae7030051.]
33. Darvishi, H., Pazoki, M., Sadeghi, H., Beyranvandzadeh, M. (2014). Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of greenhouse culture in entrepreneurship development and job creation in rural areas (Case Study: Villages of Pakdasht County). Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 3(7), 101-114 (In Persian).
34. Ebadzadeh, H.R., Ahmadi, K., Mohamadnia Afrozi, S., Abas Taghani, R., Hoseinpour, R., Yari, S., Kalantari, M. (2021). Agricultural Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad, Planning and Economic Affairs, Information and Communication Center (In Persian).
35. Ekhuemelo, C., Ekhuemelo, D.O., Amonum, J.I. (2016). Impact of floriculture and landscaping on sustainable environmental management. Nigerian Journal of Education, Health and Technology Research (NJEHETR), 8, 75-81.
36. Ghule, T., Menon, S. (2013). Scope and future of floriculture industry in India. Global Research Analysis, 2(2), 28-29.
37. Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M., Sarstedt, M. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Sage. Thousand Oaks, CA. [DOI:10.15358/9783800653614]
38. Havardi-Burger, N., Mempel, H., Bitsch, V. (2020). Sustainability challenges and innovations in the value chain of flowering potted plants for the German market. Sustainability, 12, 1-26. [DOI:10.3390/su12051905]
39. Heidarzadeh, M., Mokhber Dezfoli, A. (2016). Factor analysis of the key factors of starting a flower and ornamental plant business (case study: Greenhouse owners of Alborz province). The 6th National Congress of Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension and Education, Shiraz University, Shiraz (In Persian).
40. Isazadeh, S. (2019). SWOT analysis of market of flowers and ornamental plants (Case Study: Urmieh County), The 4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, Miad University, Tabriz (In Persian).
41. Khosh-Khui, M., Salehi, H., Azizi, M., Mobli, M., Vahdati, K., Grigorian, V., Tafazoli, E., Haghighi, M. (2021). Current status of horticultural crop production in Iran: A documentary study. Strategic Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 6(1), 69-84 (In Persian).
42. Kline, R.B. (2015). Principles and Practices of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford. 4nd edition.
43. Koley, T., Verma, A., Chawla, W. (2014). Role of floriculture in sustainable development of socio-economic status of Indian farmer. International Conference on Crop Productivity and Sustainability- Shaping the Future, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, Punjab.
44. Martsynovska, O. (2011). Global floriculture industry value chain, position of the Ukrainian firms in the floriculture business. Master Thesis, Lund University.
45. Masoumi, F., Jafarkhani Kermani., Dabir Ashrafi, O. (2014). Trade of flowers and ornamental plants in global markets. The First National Congress of Flowers and Ornamental Plants of Iran, Karaj (In Persian).
46. Pastory, S.T., Francis, H.S., Temu, G.S. (2020). Burgeoning of commercial ornamental plant nurseries in Dar es Salaam City: Challenge and future prosperity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 20(1), 16-25. [DOI:10.34257/GJHSSBVOL20IS1PG17]
47. Satyavathi, V.V.V. (2020). Performance of floriculture in India. International Journal of Academic Research, 7(1), 40-46.
48. Singh, P., Shree, S., Bhardwaj, A. (2020). Sustainable Agriculture, 1st Edition. Apple Academic Press.
49. Sori, S., Sadighi, H., Pezeshkirad, G. (2013). Analyzing the barriers and challenges of flower and ornamental plants development in order to job creation in the agricultural sector, using Delphi technique. The First National Electronic Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tehran (In Persian).
50. Spier, J., Silva, V.N., Leite, J.G. (2020). Ornamental plants in Chapecó: market characteristics and opportunities for family farms. Ornamental Horticulture, 26(3), 346-355. [DOI:10.1590/2447-536x.v26i3.2152]
51. Sri, S., Rianse, U., Yusria, W. (2021). Strategy For development of orchid ornamental plant (Case Study of UPTD BBIH, Amoito Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency). Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 6(4), 130-134. [DOI:10.37149/jia.v6i4.16034]
52. Tizazu, T.Y., Workie, M.A. (2018). Social, economical and environmental issues of floriculture sector development in Ethiopia. Review of Plant Studies, 5(1), 1-10. [DOI:10.18488/journal.69.2018.51.1.10]
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ghasemi J, Hajimirrahimi S D. Identifying the barriers and challenges of flower and ornamental plants industry development in Alborz province. FOP 2023; 7 (2) :185-198
URL: http://flowerjournal.ir/article-1-242-en.html

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