Institute of Agricultural Research, University of Zabol, Iran
Abstract: (3977 Views)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a plant of the Lamiaceae family which is propagated by semi-hard wood cuttings in the summer. Current study was carried out to investigate the effect of stem diameter in various rooting media. Treatments included three rooting media: perlite, perlite+ cocopeat and sand; and three stem diameters: 1-2 mm (herbaceous cuttings), 3-4 mm (semi-hardwood cuttings) and 5-7 mm (hardwood cuttings). Rooting percent, number of roots and roots length were measured. The result showed that the effect of rooting media, stem diameter and their interaction were significant (P≤ 0.01). The highest percentage of rooting, maximum number of roots and root length were observed in the treatment with 1-2 mm stem diameter; hence rooting in herbaceous cutting were significantly more effective than the semi-hardwood cuttings and hardwood cuttings. In comparing the rooting media, the highest percent of rooting (48%) was observed on perlite-cocopeat substrate, which was not significantly different to perlite substrate. However, the maximum number and highest root length was attained in the perlite substrate. Therefore, it is recommended to the greenhouse owners, in order to propagate high quality rosemary, use herbaceous cuttings on perlite substrate
Bidarnamani F, Forouzandeh M, Shabanipoor M. Introducing the Best Cutting Type and Best Suitable Media for Rooting Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). FOP 2017; 2 (1) :45-51 URL: