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:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (Spring and Summer 2022) ::
FOP 2022, 7(1): 119-134 Back to browse issues page
Optimization of proliferation and regeneration of Elatior Begonia (Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch.)
Sousan Sarv , Marzieh Ghanbari jahromi * , Leila Hakimi
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1986 Views)
Elatior Begonia (Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch.) is a flowering and beautiful pot plant that is particularly notable due to its flower color variations. The present study was conducted to investigate shoot proliferation and rooting of B. hiemalis under the influence of plant growth regulators in vitro. Shoot proliferation was carried out as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design (CRD) using NAA at 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg L-1 as auxin and BA and Kin at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 mg L-1 as cytokinin. Results showed that the highest amounts of fresh and dry weight of shoot and root, the number of leaves, and proliferation rate were observed in the treatments containing 0.25 mg L-1 NAA and 1 mg L-1 BA/Kin. Among different levels of cytokinin, BA 1 mg L-1 was more effective than the other levels. The percentage of necrosis in treatments without NAA was higher than the others. Rooting experiment was conducted as a CRD employing IBA at levels of 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg L-1. The highest rate of rooting was obtained in 0.5 mg L-1 IBA. Evaluation of adapted plants showed that in the acclimatization stage, the plants obtained from both cytokinin treatments had acceptable values in terms of phytochemical properties. Because BA treatment resulted in greater total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, and total phenol levels, BA can be recommended as the most effective and preferable cytokinin for B. hiemalis proliferation and its commercial reproduction.
Keywords: Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Benzyl adenine (BA), Elatior Begonia, Proliferation rate
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/05/26 | Accepted: 2022/07/14 | Published: 2022/10/15
1. رفرنس های متنی مثل خروجی کراس رف را در اینجا وارد کرده و تایید کنید -------------Abedini, M., Golaein, B. (2012). Effect of different concentrations of growth regulators on tissue culture of Begonia Rex Plant (Scientific Short Article). Seed and Plant Production Journal, 28-2(1), 107-111. (In Persian).
2. Aron, D., 1949. Copper enzymes isolated chloroplasts, polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology, 24, 1-15. [DOI:10.1104/pp.24.1.1]
3. Chang, C.C., Yang, M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.Ch. (2002). Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two comple mentary colorimetric methods. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 10(3), 178-182. [DOI:10.38212/2224-6614.2748]
4. Christensen, B., Sriskandarajah, S., Serek, M., Muller, R. (2008). In vitro culture of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.: influence of iron, calcium and BAP on establishment and multiplication. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 93(2), 151-161. [DOI:10.1007/s11240-008-9354-4]
5. Fatima, N., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, I., Anis, M. (2015). Interactive effects of growth regulators, carbon sources, pH on plant regeneration and assessment of genetic fidelity using single primer amplification reaction (SPARS) techniques in Withania somnifera L. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(1), 118-136. [DOI:10.1007/s12010-015-1732-x]
6. Fatima, N., Anis, M. (2012). Role of growth regulators on in vitro regeneration and histological analysis in Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera L.) Dunal. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 18(1), 59-67. [DOI:10.1007/s12298-011-0099-x]
7. Ghafari Esizad, S., Kaviani, B., Tarang, R., Bohlooli Zanjani, S. (2012). Micropropagation of lisianthus, an ornamental plant. Plant Omics Journal, 5, 314-319. (In Persian).
8. Ghasemi, Y., Nemat zadeh, Gh.A., Kabirnataj, S., Hashemi, H.R. (2012). The effect of growth and microbial regulators on plant samples on direct regeneration of Begonia Rex bottles. International Journal of Applied Research and Basic Sciences. 3, 901-896. (In Persian).
9. Ghaznavi, M.H., Ghanbari Jahromi, M., Mousavi, S.A. (2020). Optimization of seed germination and micropropagation of Althea rosea L. in vitro condition. Journal of Medicinal Plants Biotechnology, 5(2), 24-41. (In Persian).
10. Hamdoon, A.M., Salmin, K.A., Awad, G. (2013). Abdellatif antioxidant and quantitative estimation of phenolic and flavonoids of three halophytic plants growing in Libya. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 12, 89-94.
11. Hosseini, F., Moshtaghi, N., Sharifi, A., Bagheri, A., Marashi, H., Keykh Akhar, F. (2021). Effect of kind and plant growth regulator composition on micropropagation of three Begonia species. Plant Productions, 44(1), 25-36. (In Persian).
12. Hussain, S., Nanda, S., Zhang, J., Rehmani, M.I.A., Suleman, M., Li, G., Hou, H. (2021). Auxin and cytokinin interplay during leaf morphogenesis and phyllotaxy. Plants (Basel), 10(8),1732. [DOI:10.3390/plants10081732]
13. Inbar, J., Abramsky, M., Cohen, D., Chet, I. (1994). Plant growth enhancement and disease control by Trichoderma harzianum in vegetable seedlings grown under commercial conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 100(5), 337-346. [DOI:10.1007/BF01876444]
14. Ismaini, L., Lailaty, I.Q., Efendi, M. (2021) Micropropagation of Three Endemic Begonias Using Various Hormones Concentration and Culture Media Application. Jurnal Biodjati, 6(2), 284-294. [DOI:10.15575/biodjati.v6i2.13769]
15. Jose, S., Sivakumar, T., Alekutty, N.A. (2016). Estimation of phenolic contents and anti-oxidant activity of Begonia trichocarpa. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 8(19), 122-127.
16. Kaviani, B., Ahmadi Hesar, A., Tarang, A.R., Bohloli Zanjani, S., Hashemabadi, D., Rezaei, M.A. (2011). Callus induction and root formation on the leaf micro-cuttings of Matthiola incana using Kn and NAA. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 11(3), 456-461.
17. Kazeroonian, R., Kalatejari, S., Mousavi, A., Tohidfar, M. (2017). Reaction of various explants of a Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar to plant growth regulators in vitro. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(3), 527-534. (In Persian).
18. Kubica, P., Szopa, A., Prokopiuk, B., Komsta, Ł., Pawłowska, B., Ekiert, H. (2019). The influence of light quality on the production of bioactive metabolites-Verbascoside, isoverbascoside and phenolic acids and the content of photosynthetic pigments in biomass of Verbena officinalis L. cultured in vitro. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 111768. [DOI:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111768]
19. Kumari, A., Baskaran, P., Van Staden, J. (2017). In vitro regeneration of Begonia homonyma-A threatened plant. South African Journal of Botany, 109, 174-177. [DOI:10.1016/j.sajb.2016.12.027]
20. Ljung, K. (2013). Auxin metabolism and homeostasis during plant development. Development, 140(5), 943-50. [DOI:10.1242/dev.086363]
21. Munir, M., Hussain, A., Ul-Haq, I., Qureshi, R., Munazir, M., Rshad, M., Khan, M. (2012). Callogenesis potential of cotyledonary explants of Althaea rosea from Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44, 271-75.
22. Nadeem, M., Ahmad, W., Zahir, A., Hano, C., Abbasi, B.H. (2019). Salicylic acid‐enhanced biosynthesis of pharmacologically important lignans and neo lignans in cell suspension culture of Linum ussitatsimum L. Engineering in Life Sciences, 19(3), 168-174. [DOI:10.1002/elsc.201800095]
23. Nakashima, T. 2019. Development of stable flowering and quality improvement of autumn cropping-type Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch. using night cold storage and intermittent lowtemperature storage (In Japanese). Ph.D. Thesis. Okayama Univ., Okayama.
24. Noruzpour, M., Zare, N., Asghari Zakaria, R., Sheikhzade Mosadegh, P. (2019). Effect of culture media and plant growth regulators on in vitro growth and production of secondary metabolites in Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. Iranian journal of horticultural sciences (Iranian journal of agricultural sciences), 50(2), 435-448. (In Persian).
25. Nourafcan, H. & Ansari, F. (2017). The effect of MS and B5 media on growth indices of lemon 'Verbena' in in vitro condition. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(1), 249-252. (In Persian).
26. Ouchikh, O., Chahed, T., Ksouri, R., Ben Taarit, M., Faleh, H., Abdelly, C., Kchouk, M.E., Marzouk, B. (2011). The effects of extraction method on the measured tocopherol level and antioxidant activity of L. nobilis vegetative organs. Journal of Food Composition Analysis, 24, 103-110. [DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2010.04.006]
27. Shabbir, A., Hameed, N., Ali, A., Bajwa, R. (2009). Effect of different cultural conditions on micropropagation of rose (Rosa Indica L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(6), 2877-2882.
28. Shafaghat, A. (2010). Antioxidant activity, extraction and determining of chemical structure of flavonoids and chalcone in flowers of Tanacetum parthenium L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2(2 (48)), 157-167. (In Persian).
29. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E. (2006). Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associates. (3rd ed).
30. Tripathi, M.K., Mishra, N., Tiwari, S., Singh, S., Shyam, C., Ahuja, A. (2019). Plant tissue culture technology: sustainable option for mining high value pharmaceutical compounds. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(2), 102-110. [DOI:10.20546/ijcmas.2019.802.116]
31. Yang, Z., Liu, G., Liu, J., Zhang, B., Meng, W., Müller, B., Hayashi, K., Zhang, X., Zhao, Z., De Smet, I. (2017). Synergistic action of auxin and cytokinin mediates aluminum-induced root growth inhibition in Arabidopsis. EMBO Reports, 18, 1213-1230. [DOI:10.15252/embr.201643806]
32. Zhang, K.M., Yu, H.J., Shi, K., Zhou, Y.H., Yu, J.Q., Xia, X.J. (2010). Photoprotective roles of anthocyanins in Begonia semperflorens. Plant Science, 179(3), 202-208. [DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2010.05.006]
33. Abedini, M., Golaein, B. (2012). Effect of different concentrations of growth regulators on tissue culture of Begonia Rex Plant (Scientific Short Article). Seed and Plant Production Journal, 28-2(1), 107-111. (In Persian).
34. Aron, D., 1949. Copper enzymes isolated chloroplasts, polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology, 24, 1-15. [DOI:10.1104/pp.24.1.1]
35. Chang, C.C., Yang, M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.Ch. (2002). Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two comple mentary colorimetric methods. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 10(3), 178-182. [DOI:10.38212/2224-6614.2748]
36. Christensen, B., Sriskandarajah, S., Serek, M., Muller, R. (2008). In vitro culture of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.: influence of iron, calcium and BAP on establishment and multiplication. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 93(2), 151-161. [DOI:10.1007/s11240-008-9354-4]
37. Fatima, N., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, I., Anis, M. (2015). Interactive effects of growth regulators, carbon sources, pH on plant regeneration and assessment of genetic fidelity using single primer amplification reaction (SPARS) techniques in Withania somnifera L. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(1), 118-136. [DOI:10.1007/s12010-015-1732-x]
38. Fatima, N., Anis, M. (2012). Role of growth regulators on in vitro regeneration and histological analysis in Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera L.) Dunal. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 18(1), 59-67. [DOI:10.1007/s12298-011-0099-x]
39. Ghafari Esizad, S., Kaviani, B., Tarang, R., Bohlooli Zanjani, S. (2012). Micropropagation of lisianthus, an ornamental plant. Plant Omics Journal, 5, 314-319. (In Persian).
40. Ghasemi, Y., Nemat zadeh, Gh.A., Kabirnataj, S., Hashemi, H.R. (2012). The effect of growth and microbial regulators on plant samples on direct regeneration of Begonia Rex bottles. International Journal of Applied Research and Basic Sciences. 3, 901-896. (In Persian).
41. Ghaznavi, M.H., Ghanbari Jahromi, M., Mousavi, S.A. (2020). Optimization of seed germination and micropropagation of Althea rosea L. in vitro condition. Journal of Medicinal Plants Biotechnology, 5(2), 24-41. (In Persian).
42. Hamdoon, A.M., Salmin, K.A., Awad, G. (2013). Abdellatif antioxidant and quantitative estimation of phenolic and flavonoids of three halophytic plants growing in Libya. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 12, 89-94.
43. Hosseini, F., Moshtaghi, N., Sharifi, A., Bagheri, A., Marashi, H., Keykh Akhar, F. (2021). Effect of kind and plant growth regulator composition on micropropagation of three Begonia species. Plant Productions, 44(1), 25-36. (In Persian).
44. Hussain, S., Nanda, S., Zhang, J., Rehmani, M.I.A., Suleman, M., Li, G., Hou, H. (2021). Auxin and cytokinin interplay during leaf morphogenesis and phyllotaxy. Plants (Basel), 10(8),1732. [DOI:10.3390/plants10081732]
45. Inbar, J., Abramsky, M., Cohen, D., Chet, I. (1994). Plant growth enhancement and disease control by Trichoderma harzianum in vegetable seedlings grown under commercial conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 100(5), 337-346. [DOI:10.1007/BF01876444]
46. Ismaini, L., Lailaty, I.Q., Efendi, M. (2021) Micropropagation of Three Endemic Begonias Using Various Hormones Concentration and Culture Media Application. Jurnal Biodjati, 6(2), 284-294. [DOI:10.15575/biodjati.v6i2.13769]
47. Jose, S., Sivakumar, T., Alekutty, N.A. (2016). Estimation of phenolic contents and anti-oxidant activity of Begonia trichocarpa. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 8(19), 122-127.
48. Kaviani, B., Ahmadi Hesar, A., Tarang, A.R., Bohloli Zanjani, S., Hashemabadi, D., Rezaei, M.A. (2011). Callus induction and root formation on the leaf micro-cuttings of Matthiola incana using Kn and NAA. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 11(3), 456-461.
49. Kazeroonian, R., Kalatejari, S., Mousavi, A., Tohidfar, M. (2017). Reaction of various explants of a Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar to plant growth regulators in vitro. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(3), 527-534. (In Persian).
50. Kubica, P., Szopa, A., Prokopiuk, B., Komsta, Ł., Pawłowska, B., Ekiert, H. (2019). The influence of light quality on the production of bioactive metabolites-Verbascoside, isoverbascoside and phenolic acids and the content of photosynthetic pigments in biomass of Verbena officinalis L. cultured in vitro. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 111768. [DOI:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111768]
51. Kumari, A., Baskaran, P., Van Staden, J. (2017). In vitro regeneration of Begonia homonyma-A threatened plant. South African Journal of Botany, 109, 174-177. [DOI:10.1016/j.sajb.2016.12.027]
52. Ljung, K. (2013). Auxin metabolism and homeostasis during plant development. Development, 140(5), 943-50. [DOI:10.1242/dev.086363]
53. Munir, M., Hussain, A., Ul-Haq, I., Qureshi, R., Munazir, M., Rshad, M., Khan, M. (2012). Callogenesis potential of cotyledonary explants of Althaea rosea from Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44, 271-75.
54. Nadeem, M., Ahmad, W., Zahir, A., Hano, C., Abbasi, B.H. (2019). Salicylic acid‐enhanced biosynthesis of pharmacologically important lignans and neo lignans in cell suspension culture of Linum ussitatsimum L. Engineering in Life Sciences, 19(3), 168-174. [DOI:10.1002/elsc.201800095]
55. Nakashima, T. 2019. Development of stable flowering and quality improvement of autumn cropping-type Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch. using night cold storage and intermittent lowtemperature storage (In Japanese). Ph.D. Thesis. Okayama Univ., Okayama.
56. Noruzpour, M., Zare, N., Asghari Zakaria, R., Sheikhzade Mosadegh, P. (2019). Effect of culture media and plant growth regulators on in vitro growth and production of secondary metabolites in Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. Iranian journal of horticultural sciences (Iranian journal of agricultural sciences), 50(2), 435-448. (In Persian).
57. Nourafcan, H. & Ansari, F. (2017). The effect of MS and B5 media on growth indices of lemon 'Verbena' in in vitro condition. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(1), 249-252. (In Persian).
58. Ouchikh, O., Chahed, T., Ksouri, R., Ben Taarit, M., Faleh, H., Abdelly, C., Kchouk, M.E., Marzouk, B. (2011). The effects of extraction method on the measured tocopherol level and antioxidant activity of L. nobilis vegetative organs. Journal of Food Composition Analysis, 24, 103-110. [DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2010.04.006]
59. Shabbir, A., Hameed, N., Ali, A., Bajwa, R. (2009). Effect of different cultural conditions on micropropagation of rose (Rosa Indica L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(6), 2877-2882.
60. Shafaghat, A. (2010). Antioxidant activity, extraction and determining of chemical structure of flavonoids and chalcone in flowers of Tanacetum parthenium L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2(2 (48)), 157-167. (In Persian).
61. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E. (2006). Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associates. (3rd ed).
62. Tripathi, M.K., Mishra, N., Tiwari, S., Singh, S., Shyam, C., Ahuja, A. (2019). Plant tissue culture technology: sustainable option for mining high value pharmaceutical compounds. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(2), 102-110. [DOI:10.20546/ijcmas.2019.802.116]
63. Yang, Z., Liu, G., Liu, J., Zhang, B., Meng, W., Müller, B., Hayashi, K., Zhang, X., Zhao, Z., De Smet, I. (2017). Synergistic action of auxin and cytokinin mediates aluminum-induced root growth inhibition in Arabidopsis. EMBO Reports, 18, 1213-1230. [DOI:10.15252/embr.201643806]
64. Zhang, K.M., Yu, H.J., Shi, K., Zhou, Y.H., Yu, J.Q., Xia, X.J. (2010). Photoprotective roles of anthocyanins in Begonia semperflorens. Plant Science, 179(3), 202-208. [DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2010.05.006]
65. Abedini, M., Golaein, B. (2012). Effect of different concentrations of growth regulators on tissue culture of Begonia Rex Plant (Scientific Short Article). Seed and Plant Production Journal, 28-2(1), 107-111. (In Persian).
66. Aron, D., 1949. Copper enzymes isolated chloroplasts, polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology, 24, 1-15. [DOI:10.1104/pp.24.1.1]
67. Chang, C.C., Yang, M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.Ch. (2002). Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two comple mentary colorimetric methods. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 10(3), 178-182. [DOI:10.38212/2224-6614.2748]
68. Christensen, B., Sriskandarajah, S., Serek, M., Muller, R. (2008). In vitro culture of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.: influence of iron, calcium and BAP on establishment and multiplication. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 93(2), 151-161. [DOI:10.1007/s11240-008-9354-4]
69. Fatima, N., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, I., Anis, M. (2015). Interactive effects of growth regulators, carbon sources, pH on plant regeneration and assessment of genetic fidelity using single primer amplification reaction (SPARS) techniques in Withania somnifera L. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177(1), 118-136. [DOI:10.1007/s12010-015-1732-x]
70. Fatima, N., Anis, M. (2012). Role of growth regulators on in vitro regeneration and histological analysis in Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera L.) Dunal. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 18(1), 59-67. [DOI:10.1007/s12298-011-0099-x]
71. Ghafari Esizad, S., Kaviani, B., Tarang, R., Bohlooli Zanjani, S. (2012). Micropropagation of lisianthus, an ornamental plant. Plant Omics Journal, 5, 314-319. (In Persian).
72. Ghasemi, Y., Nemat zadeh, Gh.A., Kabirnataj, S., Hashemi, H.R. (2012). The effect of growth and microbial regulators on plant samples on direct regeneration of Begonia Rex bottles. International Journal of Applied Research and Basic Sciences. 3, 901-896. (In Persian).
73. Ghaznavi, M.H., Ghanbari Jahromi, M., Mousavi, S.A. (2020). Optimization of seed germination and micropropagation of Althea rosea L. in vitro condition. Journal of Medicinal Plants Biotechnology, 5(2), 24-41. (In Persian).
74. Hamdoon, A.M., Salmin, K.A., Awad, G. (2013). Abdellatif antioxidant and quantitative estimation of phenolic and flavonoids of three halophytic plants growing in Libya. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 12, 89-94.
75. Hosseini, F., Moshtaghi, N., Sharifi, A., Bagheri, A., Marashi, H., Keykh Akhar, F. (2021). Effect of kind and plant growth regulator composition on micropropagation of three Begonia species. Plant Productions, 44(1), 25-36. (In Persian).
76. Hussain, S., Nanda, S., Zhang, J., Rehmani, M.I.A., Suleman, M., Li, G., Hou, H. (2021). Auxin and cytokinin interplay during leaf morphogenesis and phyllotaxy. Plants (Basel), 10(8),1732. [DOI:10.3390/plants10081732]
77. Inbar, J., Abramsky, M., Cohen, D., Chet, I. (1994). Plant growth enhancement and disease control by Trichoderma harzianum in vegetable seedlings grown under commercial conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 100(5), 337-346. [DOI:10.1007/BF01876444]
78. Ismaini, L., Lailaty, I.Q., Efendi, M. (2021) Micropropagation of Three Endemic Begonias Using Various Hormones Concentration and Culture Media Application. Jurnal Biodjati, 6(2), 284-294. [DOI:10.15575/biodjati.v6i2.13769]
79. Jose, S., Sivakumar, T., Alekutty, N.A. (2016). Estimation of phenolic contents and anti-oxidant activity of Begonia trichocarpa. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 8(19), 122-127.
80. Kaviani, B., Ahmadi Hesar, A., Tarang, A.R., Bohloli Zanjani, S., Hashemabadi, D., Rezaei, M.A. (2011). Callus induction and root formation on the leaf micro-cuttings of Matthiola incana using Kn and NAA. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 11(3), 456-461.
81. Kazeroonian, R., Kalatejari, S., Mousavi, A., Tohidfar, M. (2017). Reaction of various explants of a Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar to plant growth regulators in vitro. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(3), 527-534. (In Persian).
82. Kubica, P., Szopa, A., Prokopiuk, B., Komsta, Ł., Pawłowska, B., Ekiert, H. (2019). The influence of light quality on the production of bioactive metabolites-Verbascoside, isoverbascoside and phenolic acids and the content of photosynthetic pigments in biomass of Verbena officinalis L. cultured in vitro. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 111768. [DOI:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111768]
83. Kumari, A., Baskaran, P., Van Staden, J. (2017). In vitro regeneration of Begonia homonyma-A threatened plant. South African Journal of Botany, 109, 174-177. [DOI:10.1016/j.sajb.2016.12.027]
84. Ljung, K. (2013). Auxin metabolism and homeostasis during plant development. Development, 140(5), 943-50. [DOI:10.1242/dev.086363]
85. Munir, M., Hussain, A., Ul-Haq, I., Qureshi, R., Munazir, M., Rshad, M., Khan, M. (2012). Callogenesis potential of cotyledonary explants of Althaea rosea from Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44, 271-75.
86. Nadeem, M., Ahmad, W., Zahir, A., Hano, C., Abbasi, B.H. (2019). Salicylic acid‐enhanced biosynthesis of pharmacologically important lignans and neo lignans in cell suspension culture of Linum ussitatsimum L. Engineering in Life Sciences, 19(3), 168-174. [DOI:10.1002/elsc.201800095]
87. Nakashima, T. 2019. Development of stable flowering and quality improvement of autumn cropping-type Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch. using night cold storage and intermittent lowtemperature storage (In Japanese). Ph.D. Thesis. Okayama Univ., Okayama.
88. Noruzpour, M., Zare, N., Asghari Zakaria, R., Sheikhzade Mosadegh, P. (2019). Effect of culture media and plant growth regulators on in vitro growth and production of secondary metabolites in Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. Iranian journal of horticultural sciences (Iranian journal of agricultural sciences), 50(2), 435-448. (In Persian).
89. Nourafcan, H. & Ansari, F. (2017). The effect of MS and B5 media on growth indices of lemon 'Verbena' in in vitro condition. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 48(1), 249-252. (In Persian).
90. Ouchikh, O., Chahed, T., Ksouri, R., Ben Taarit, M., Faleh, H., Abdelly, C., Kchouk, M.E., Marzouk, B. (2011). The effects of extraction method on the measured tocopherol level and antioxidant activity of L. nobilis vegetative organs. Journal of Food Composition Analysis, 24, 103-110. [DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2010.04.006]
91. Shabbir, A., Hameed, N., Ali, A., Bajwa, R. (2009). Effect of different cultural conditions on micropropagation of rose (Rosa Indica L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(6), 2877-2882.
92. Shafaghat, A. (2010). Antioxidant activity, extraction and determining of chemical structure of flavonoids and chalcone in flowers of Tanacetum parthenium L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2(2 (48)), 157-167. (In Persian).
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94. Tripathi, M.K., Mishra, N., Tiwari, S., Singh, S., Shyam, C., Ahuja, A. (2019). Plant tissue culture technology: sustainable option for mining high value pharmaceutical compounds. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(2), 102-110. [DOI:10.20546/ijcmas.2019.802.116]
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Sarv S, Ghanbari jahromi M, Hakimi L. Optimization of proliferation and regeneration of Elatior Begonia (Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch.). FOP 2022; 7 (1) :119-134
URL: http://flowerjournal.ir/article-1-229-en.html

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