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:: Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2016) ::
FOP 2016, 1(1): 1-7 Back to browse issues page
Introducing an Optimized Aeroponic System to Increase the Growth Rate of Anthurium
Zahra Shahbani , Mohsen Kaffi * , Rohanghiz Naderi
Department of Horticulture, Agriculture Science and Natural Resources University of Tehran
Abstract:   (3416 Views)
An investigation was desined to study the effect of nutrient spray interval, color of planting container and foliar Calcium spray on vegetative traits of Anthurium plantlets which were cultured in aeroponic system. In this study, nutrient spray interval was considered as the main plot and color of container and foliar spray were as the sub plots. Nutrient spray intervals were at two levels: 1) two minutes spray, 30 minutes none spraying and 2) two minutes spray, 45 minutes none spraying to the plants' roots. Container’s colors were black, blue or red and foliar spray treatments included two values: spray with distilled water (without Calcium) and spray with Calcium Nitrate with the concentration of 10 mM. The results revealed that the effect of the color of the container was significant at 1% level and the blue color resulted in the highest number of plantlets formed on roots. The effect of the color of the container on petiole length, blade length and width and root number was also significant. The highest petiole length and blade length and width were formed in red containers. The maimum numbers of roots were observed in black containers. The longest length of single roots was observed in longer nutrient spray intervals. In conclusion, the maximum number of plantlets was formed in blue color containers but the highest length of petioles and maximum length and width of blades were observed in red containers.
Keywords: Anthurium, Calcium Nitrate, Color (Black, Blue, Red), Soilless Culture, Spray interval
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Received: 1970/01/1 | Accepted: 2019/10/14 | Published: 2016/04/4
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shahbani Z, kaffi M, naderi R. Introducing an Optimized Aeroponic System to Increase the Growth Rate of Anthurium. FOP 2016; 1 (1) :1-7
URL: http://flowerjournal.ir/article-1-101-en.html

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