1. Ayan, A. K., Çalişkan, Ö. , Çirak, C. (2006). Seedling quality of flue-cured tobacco as affected by different types of peat. Commun. Biometry Crop Science, 1(1), 56-62. 2. Azimi, M.H., Alvijeh, K. (2020). Morphological traits and genetic parameters of Hippeastrum hybridum. Ornamental Horticulture, 26(4), 579-590. [ DOI:10.1590/2447-536x.v26i3.2153] 3. Bontemps, F. (1999). Gerbera, Study on soilless culture using coir. Lien Horticole, 21(174), 12-15. 4. Fakhire, A. (2012). Determination of The most appropriate substrates of Seed planting in Poaceae family with germination test. Congress Crop Sciences, 6p. 5. Heidari, M., Asghari, A. (2010). Evaluation of the effect of two planting medium and some different treatments on seed germination medicinal plants of Oleifera Moringa. National Conference of Medicinal Plants. 6. Ilczuk, A., Winkelmann, T., Richartz, S., Witomska, M., Serek, M. (2005). In vitro propagation of Hippeastrum × chmielii Chm. influence of flurprimidol and the culture in solid or liquid medium and in temporary immersion systems. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 83(3), 339-346. [ DOI:10.1007/s11240-005-8812-5] 7. Jamil, M.K., Rahman, M.M. (2014). Effect of Bulb Cutting and Pot Medium on Propagation of Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum Hort.). Journal of Ornamental Plants, 4(3), 123-132. [ DOI:10.3126/ijasbt.v4i3.14545] 8. Khalaj, M. A., Suresh Kumar, P., Roosta, H. R. (2019). Evaluation of Nutrient Uptake and Flowering of Gerbera in Response of Various Growing Media. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences 8(4), 12-18. 9. khalaj, M.A., Azimi, M.H, yousefbeigi, A. (2023).Effect of different growing media on morpho-physiological, biochemical and nutrient uptake characteristics of Amaryllis (Hippeastrum spp.) under vegetative growth period. Plant Productions,45(4),519-531. 10. Mami, Y., Peyvast, Gh., Bakhshi, D., Samizadeh, H. (2008). Effect of different substrates on tomato production in soilless culture. Journal of Horticultural Science, 22(2), 39-48. 11. Marschner, H. (2012). Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Academic Press, London. 12. Moghaddam, S., Rahimi, A ., Noorhosseini, A.( 2017). Determination of proper culture media in float system for improving germination and seedling production of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) cultivar, Coker 347. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 48(1), 267-273 (In Persian). 13. Nikrazm R., Alizadeh Ajirlou S., Khaligy A., Tabatabaei S. (2011). Effects of different media on vegetative growth of two Lilium cultivars in soilless culture. Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture, 2(6), 1-9. 14. Noguera, P., Abad, M., Noguera, V., Puchades, R., Maquieira, E. (2000). Coconut coir waste, a new and ecologically-friendly peat substitute. Acta Horticulture, 517, 279-286. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.517.34] 15. Shokri, S., Zarei, H., Alizadeh, M. (2013). The effect of several types of rooting media on the rooting of semi-wooden cuttings of the Callistemon viminalis in greenhouse conditions. Science and Techniques of Greenhouse Crops, 5(19),173-182 (In Persian). 16. Siddique, M.N.A., Sultana, N., Haque, M.A., Hossain, M.M., Ahmed, J.U. (2006). Effects of twin scale size and hormones on in vitro propagation of hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum). Plant Tissue Culture Biotechnology, 16(2),105-110. [ DOI:10.3329/ptcb.v16i2.1111] 17. Silberbush M., Ephrath J.E., Alekperov Ch., Ben-Asher J. (2003). Nitrogen and potassium fertilization interactions with carbon dioxide enrichment in Hippeastrum bulb growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 98,85-90. [ DOI:10.1016/S0304-4238(02)00205-4] 18. Smith C.A., and Hall D.A. (1994). The development of perlite as a potting substarate for ornamental plants. Acta Horticulturae, 361, 159-166. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.1994.361.13] 19. Souhani, M. M. 2010. Seed Technology. Guilan University Press, Third Edition, 287 p. 20. Sultana J, Sutlana N, Siddique MNA, Islam AKMA, Hossain MM, Hossain T (2010) In vitro bulb production in Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum). JCEA 11(4) [ DOI:10.5513/JCEA01/11.4.867] 21. the effect of air content and temperature in different propagation media on the rooting of cuttings. Plant Soil, 75(1), 1-14. 22. Torkashvand, A. M., Seyedi, N. (2016). To evaluate influence of Ca concentration in nutrient solution and growth medium on the quantitative and qualitative yield of Lilium (Asiatic hybrid lilium) . Horticultural Sciences of Iran, 46(4),637-647(In Persian). 23. Vazquez, C., Reed, S.T.,Dunn, C.(2015). Nitrogen Fertilization as Ammonium or Nitrate-N on Hippeastrum hybridum BulbGrowth. Agricultural Sciences, 6, 1547-1554 [ DOI:10.4236/as.2015.612148] 24. Witomska, M., Ilczuk, A., and Zalewska, I. (2005). Effect of cutting size on propagation efficiency of Hippeastrum × chemielii by scale cuttings. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 4,205-209 25. Yuan, Y.L., Zhang, Y.L., Zhao, J.L., Zhao, J. (2008). Study on the method of scale propagation of Amaryllis vittata. Journal of Northwest A & F University, Natural Science Edition 36,108-112. 26. Zhu, Y., Lui, K.S., Yiu, J.C. (2005). Effect of cutting method on bulb production of Hippeastrum hybridumin in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae,673, 531-535. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.673.71] 27. Ayan, A. K., Çalişkan, Ö. , Çirak, C. (2006). Seedling quality of flue-cured tobacco as affected by different types of peat. Commun. Biometry Crop Science, 1(1), 56-62. 28. Azimi, M.H., Alvijeh, K. (2020). Morphological traits and genetic parameters of Hippeastrum hybridum. Ornamental Horticulture, 26(4), 579-590. [ DOI:10.1590/2447-536x.v26i3.2153] 29. Bontemps, F. (1999). Gerbera, Study on soilless culture using coir. Lien Horticole, 21(174), 12-15. 30. Fakhire, A. (2012). Determination of The most appropriate substrates of Seed planting in Poaceae family with germination test. Congress Crop Sciences, 6p. 31. Heidari, M., Asghari, A. (2010). Evaluation of the effect of two planting medium and some different treatments on seed germination medicinal plants of Oleifera Moringa. National Conference of Medicinal Plants. 32. Ilczuk, A., Winkelmann, T., Richartz, S., Witomska, M., Serek, M. (2005). In vitro propagation of Hippeastrum × chmielii Chm. influence of flurprimidol and the culture in solid or liquid medium and in temporary immersion systems. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 83(3), 339-346. [ DOI:10.1007/s11240-005-8812-5] 33. Jamil, M.K., Rahman, M.M. (2014). Effect of Bulb Cutting and Pot Medium on Propagation of Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum Hort.). Journal of Ornamental Plants, 4(3), 123-132. [ DOI:10.3126/ijasbt.v4i3.14545] 34. Khalaj, M. A., Suresh Kumar, P., Roosta, H. R. (2019). Evaluation of Nutrient Uptake and Flowering of Gerbera in Response of Various Growing Media. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences 8(4), 12-18. 35. khalaj, M.A., Azimi, M.H, yousefbeigi, A. (2023).Effect of different growing media on morpho-physiological, biochemical and nutrient uptake characteristics of Amaryllis (Hippeastrum spp.) under vegetative growth period. Plant Productions,45(4),519-531. 36. Mami, Y., Peyvast, Gh., Bakhshi, D., Samizadeh, H. (2008). Effect of different substrates on tomato production in soilless culture. Journal of Horticultural Science, 22(2), 39-48. 37. Marschner, H. (2012). Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Academic Press, London. 38. Moghaddam, S., Rahimi, A ., Noorhosseini, A.( 2017). Determination of proper culture media in float system for improving germination and seedling production of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) cultivar, Coker 347. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science, 48(1), 267-273 (In Persian). 39. Nikrazm R., Alizadeh Ajirlou S., Khaligy A., Tabatabaei S. (2011). Effects of different media on vegetative growth of two Lilium cultivars in soilless culture. Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture, 2(6), 1-9. 40. Noguera, P., Abad, M., Noguera, V., Puchades, R., Maquieira, E. (2000). Coconut coir waste, a new and ecologically-friendly peat substitute. Acta Horticulture, 517, 279-286. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.517.34] 41. Shokri, S., Zarei, H., Alizadeh, M. (2013). The effect of several types of rooting media on the rooting of semi-wooden cuttings of the Callistemon viminalis in greenhouse conditions. Science and Techniques of Greenhouse Crops, 5(19),173-182 (In Persian). 42. Siddique, M.N.A., Sultana, N., Haque, M.A., Hossain, M.M., Ahmed, J.U. (2006). Effects of twin scale size and hormones on in vitro propagation of hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum). Plant Tissue Culture Biotechnology, 16(2),105-110. [ DOI:10.3329/ptcb.v16i2.1111] 43. Silberbush M., Ephrath J.E., Alekperov Ch., Ben-Asher J. (2003). Nitrogen and potassium fertilization interactions with carbon dioxide enrichment in Hippeastrum bulb growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 98,85-90. [ DOI:10.1016/S0304-4238(02)00205-4] 44. Smith C.A., and Hall D.A. (1994). The development of perlite as a potting substarate for ornamental plants. Acta Horticulturae, 361, 159-166. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.1994.361.13] 45. Souhani, M. M. 2010. Seed Technology. Guilan University Press, Third Edition, 287 p. 46. Sultana J, Sutlana N, Siddique MNA, Islam AKMA, Hossain MM, Hossain T (2010) In vitro bulb production in Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum). JCEA 11(4) [ DOI:10.5513/JCEA01/11.4.867] 47. the effect of air content and temperature in different propagation media on the rooting of cuttings. Plant Soil, 75(1), 1-14. 48. Torkashvand, A. M., Seyedi, N. (2016). To evaluate influence of Ca concentration in nutrient solution and growth medium on the quantitative and qualitative yield of Lilium (Asiatic hybrid lilium) . Horticultural Sciences of Iran, 46(4),637-647(In Persian). 49. Vazquez, C., Reed, S.T.,Dunn, C.(2015). Nitrogen Fertilization as Ammonium or Nitrate-N on Hippeastrum hybridum BulbGrowth. Agricultural Sciences, 6, 1547-1554 [ DOI:10.4236/as.2015.612148] 50. Witomska, M., Ilczuk, A., and Zalewska, I. (2005). Effect of cutting size on propagation efficiency of Hippeastrum × chemielii by scale cuttings. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 4,205-209 51. Yuan, Y.L., Zhang, Y.L., Zhao, J.L., Zhao, J. (2008). Study on the method of scale propagation of Amaryllis vittata. Journal of Northwest A & F University, Natural Science Edition 36,108-112. 52. Zhu, Y., Lui, K.S., Yiu, J.C. (2005). Effect of cutting method on bulb production of Hippeastrum hybridumin in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae,673, 531-535. [ DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.673.71]